Attention Windows XP users:

Hopefully our logon prompt has made you aware that Microsoft will stop supporting Windows XP on April 8th and so will Cosine IT Services. If you still need to take action, the time do so is now.

What you need to do: Work with Cosine to determine a plan to upgrade your computer from Windows XP to Windows 7, or take the XP computer off the wired network.

Why is this happening? Starting April 9th, Microsoft will no longer provide security patches or support for Windows XP.  The security community has seen a significant drop in bug and security reports to Microsoft.  It is strongly believed that organized crime and hacker rings are sitting on known security flaws and are preparing to exploit them in early April. 

Researchers: If you run computers with Windows XP, Cosine will remove their wired network access in early April. If you have research computers that require Windows XP, we will need to plan carefully. Cosine is committed to ensuring research can continue and will attempt to develop acceptable workarounds to maintain security for the Division of Arts and Sciences’ network community.

What are my options?

  1. 1.Upgrade to Windows 7.
  2. 2.Use the wireless network.
  3. 3.Work off the network.
  4. 4.Consult with Cosine on an acceptable solution. 

Schedule expectations: Upgrading everyone will be a time consuming process. Please expect upgrading to take longer than a normal 1-2 day computer build or rebuild. We will have loaner computers ready, and will do our best to ensure a timely turnaround.

Please contact the Cosine Help Desk to come up with a plan.

  1. 1./request-help
  3. 3.Helpdesk phone: 541-737-5574